Saturday, July 25, 2020

Four doubts your interviewer has about you and how to address them Viewpoint careers advice blog

Four doubts your interviewer has about you â€" and how to address them I’ve worked with my colleague Jessica (names have been changed to protect the embarrassed) for nearly 10 years. Jessica is an expert recruiter who had hired a new member of her team a few weeks earlier and I casually asked how the new guy was getting on. “I think I got it wrong” she admitted sheepishly “he’s not right for that job”. For any hiring manager, the possibility of spending months tirelessly trying to find the perfect new member of their team, only to find weeks later that they have recruited the wrong person, can be an extremely worrying, and often all too real prospect. Understandably decision-makers will do everything in their power to ensure that this doesn’t happen. This includes thoroughly evaluating each candidate they interview â€" weighing up their pros and cons, and quickly identifying any doubts they have or risks they might foresee. As a jobseeker, it’s vitally important that you understand this, and have prepared thoroughly to overcome any doubts the interviewer might have of you, long before you even set foot in the interview room. To help you, I’ve highlighted below some common reservations interviewers can have of interviewees, and how, you, as a jobseeker can proactively tackle these to make sure they are comfortable committing to hire you: 1. You lack the right skills and experience: The interviewer will be looking for the best match of skills and experience when interviewing candidates, and rightly so. Here’s what to do if you are lacking any: Identify any mismatches: As part of your interview preparation, you may have highlighted areas on the job advert which match your skills and therefore are planning to emphasise these in the interview. However, it is also important to look at the areas in which your skills may not fully correlate and take note of these. Can you tackle this before the interview? If you are lacking a key skill required for the role, consider whether this is something you can begin to learn in advance. Not all skills can be learnt to perfection in a short timescale, but showing commitment to learning and improving is a great start. How to respond if the interviewer voices their concerns: If the interviewer explains their reservations about this outright, you should respond by emphasising that you are a quick learner and are always looking to expand your skill set. Perhaps highlight a time when you quickly learnt a new skill or proactively undertook a training course in your own time. 2. You have employment gaps on your CV Taking a break from your career out of choice can be extremely fulfilling and worthwhile. Of course, there may also be unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances that have led to employment gaps on your CV. Either way, during your interview, you must ensure that you are able to  clearly and honestly outline why these gaps have occurred during the interview to help negate any doubts your interviewer may have. Here’s how: Be ready to justify any employment gaps: Prior to the interview, you must be clear in your mind why you have employment gaps on your CV and if possible, how this break has benefited you and could benefit your potential new employer. This is likely to be something the interviewer will press you on during the interview. Thinking about your response in advance will enable you to justify your reasons for the gaps in a way that makes it clear to the interviewer that you weren’t sitting around doing nothing. Were you travelling? Were you volunteering? Were you unemployed? It’s important to be honest here. 3. You seem nervous and lacking in confidence Try not to let your nerves overwhelm and prevent you from doing yourself justice in the interview. If you let your nerves get the better of you, the interviewer may not see your full potential, and therefore may have concerns about your suitability for the role. Here’s my advice: Prepare thoroughly beforehand: If you know you are prone to nerves, you will need to do more preparation for the interview. The more prepared you are, the more confident you will feel, and the less nervous you will be. Rehearse answers to common interview questions out loud, plan your journey, get a good night’s sleep and ensure your interview outfit is ironed and ready to go. During the interview: Think positive and act positive Try to treat the interview as a conversation Think before you answer each question, when you speak, talk slowly and pace yourself Be yourself Use as much eye contact as possible and smile 4. You have too much experience for the role If the hiring manager thinks you may overqualified for the role just by reading your CV, they will likely come into the interview room with preconceived doubts and reservations. For example, they may think you will not be engaged in the role and will seek out pastures new quickly, or that you will simply be too expensive. If you are considering roles which are comparatively less demanding or less well-paid, it is important to understand that you may need to work hard during the interview to tackle these assumptions. This advice will help you: Demonstrate your interest in the position: To negate the interviewer’s doubts, it’s important to show the interviewer that you really want the job and this job Do your research, come armed with questions and take notes. Your passion and excitement for the job could really help to convince the interviewer that you are the right person for the job, regardless of your level of experience. Make it clear that you are in it for the long haul: As stated previously, one of the main concerns a hiring manager will have about an overqualified candidate is that they will go elsewhere. If possible, try to demonstrate to the interviewer that you have a solid career history, are loyal and have enjoyed long tenures at previous employers. How to respond: Should the interviewer air their concerns that you may be too experienced for the role, be honest and open with them about why you applied in the first place. Are you looking to take a step back and would like less responsibility? Is money less of an issue now, thus leaving you able to pursue a role you are really interested in? Are you looking to make a career change? They will respect and appreciate your transparency here â€" responding in this way will also help the interviewer understand your reasoning. In summary, being forewarned is being forearmed. Before your interview you should look in the mirror figuratively as well as literally; take the time to take a step back, put yourself in the interviewer’s shoes and honestly identify which areas they may be concerned about. That way, you will arrive for the interview prepared, confident and ready to pre-empt any doubts, and ultimately convince the interviewer that you are the right person for the job and that they can be confident they will still feel the same long after you have received your first paycheck! Do you have an interview coming up? Read our interview tips to ensure its a success:   6 ways to show your interviewer that you really want the job The do’s and don’ts of networking to find a job   Why storytelling could be your key to interview success 14 things to do before your job interview 8 warning signs to look out for during your interview Share this blog:

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Medical Coding and Billing Degrees - Work It Daily

Clinical Coding and Billing Degrees - Work It Daily Clinical coding and charging is an incredible profession opportunity in the event that you need the capacity to pick between telecommuting or working in a medical clinic or facility condition. Numerous individuals in this calling do the two employments at the same time, while some do either clinical charging or coding yet not both. Notwithstanding which you pick, you a wide range of school choices to get your endorsement or degree. When you have the correct tutoring, you will be en route to turning into a clinical coder or clinical biller. Sorts of Degrees Regularly getting your degree in clinical coding and charging will be a declaration that shows you have finished the best possible coursework. Anyway there are likewise Associate and elevated level degrees. The more elevated level degrees will essentially offer further developed coursework and extra courses with the goal that your profession can really go past clinical coding and charging and into the executives or managerial work in the clinical business. You can get your clinical coding and charging degree either on the web or at nearby schools and colleges. Finishing your coursework online would give you the choice of working while you go to class for your degree. Compensation You're no doubt thinking about whether the degree program will be justified, despite all the trouble at long last. For instance, the normal beginning pay for a clinical coder is $22,927 and the normal beginning pay for a clinical biller is $12,588. These are beginning compensations and just midpoints so your pay could contrast dependent on the kind of degree you get, in the event that you have any work understanding, where you live, who employs you and different subtleties. Employment Outlook Clinical charging and coding are of the most elevated developing occupations in the wellbeing business, as per the U.S. Registration Bureau. This implies on the off chance that you seek after a degree in clinical coding and charging, you have an extraordinary possibility at having a fulfilling and rewarding profession. A portion of the spots you may work for are in medical clinics, facilities, protection firms, outpatient medical procedure places, and for private practice doctors or other social insurance experts. About Medical Billing and Coding The clinical charging and coding field includes a wide assortment of angles charging patients for their primary care physician visit, medical procedure and strategies just as coding which plans administrative work and graphs for the clinical biller. You may likewise perform both of these errands, particularly in a little specialist's office setting like for a private expert. A portion of the undertakings you can hope to do as a clinical biller or coder are auditing diagrams, preparing claims, inspecting, and refreshing the approach inclusion subtleties, keeping up and making solicitations for patients, talking with the specialists and nursing staff, coding determination, methodology and medicines, helping patients with their charging questions, and being certain to keep up secrecy consistently. Picture Credit: Shutterstock Have you joined our vocation development club?Join For Free!

Saturday, July 11, 2020

What Does an Expert Executive Resume Writer Offer

What Does an Expert Executive Resume Writer Offer Anybody can compose a resume with fundamental segments in it. Be that as it may, since numerous individuals have this system, you'll make some hard memories standing apart among the huge pool of candidates for some random activity. The keys to composing a compelling resume today are not quite the same as they were quite a long while back. So on the off chance that you haven't been a piece of a pursuit of employment in some time, it might merit recruiting an official resume essayist to completely streamline your resume. The best resume composing administration goes past essentially composing resumes, however. Here are different characteristics you ought to anticipate from your master continue author. Thoughtfulness regarding All Aspects of A Job Search There are a lot a larger number of parts of a pursuit of employment than essentially composing a resume and submitting it to the HR supervisor. The top official positions aren't situated on online occupation sheets or in characterized advertisements. They are found through systems administration and different channels that aren't effectively noticeable. This implies you need to use online life shrewdly, particularly LinkedIn, go to systems administration occasions, make unique master content, improve your own image and the sky is the limit from there. The best resume composing administration will furnish you with tips on these focuses so you're balanced in your pursuit of employment. Concentrate On Personal Branding Individual marking is basic today. Your quality online is regularly how you'll be seen as a general rule, so make certain to tidy up your online image. On the off chance that you aren't sure what your online image is, at that point do a Google look for your name and see what comes up. Your master official resume essayist can help you gradually change your picture by giving you thoughts for unique articles and drawing in with different experts. The objective is to have your name attached with positive traits that cause you to show up as a specialist in your industry. Custom fitted Strategies Based on Your Skills And Interests Thinking of a pursuit of employment procedure is regularly the most troublesome part work searchers battle with. The best resume composing administration will assist you with creating viable techniques dependent on where you need to work, the sort of work you need to do and your present and future interests. Conventional resumes won't get you extremely far in the activity looking through present reality, so fitting your resume to specific organizations will show how significant you can be to that particular organization. Proficient Resume Services offers significant bits of knowledge and aptitude into the activity looking through scene today. In case you're similar to numerous administrators, you might not have needed to scan for a new position in some time. Systems have changed definitely throughout the years, and our master group can rapidly get you up to speed and help you out consistently. Make certain to get in touch with us in case you're preparing to start your pursuit of employment, or regardless of whether you're now in its center, and we can assist you with finding the open door you want.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

CCP82 Linda Kaplan Thaler, Publicis New York - Copeland Coaching

CCP82 Linda Kaplan Thaler, Publicis New York Episode 82 of the Copeland Coaching Podcast is now live! This week, we talk to Linda Kaplan Thaler, Chairman of Publicis New York in New York, NY. Linda is responsible for some of Americas most famous advertising campaigns in the industry, including the Aflac duck, and the daring Yes, Yes, Yes campaign for Herbal Essences. Much of her work has become part of Americas pop-culture landscape and she has composed renowned jingles such as, Im a Toys R Us Kid, and Kodak Moments. Lindas client roster at Publicis includes: PG, Citi, LOreal, Pfizer, and Wendys. Lindas talents have earned her the prestigious Matrix Award, the Muse Award, Advertising Woman of the Year Award, and she was named one of Advertising Ages Most Influential Women in Advertising. Most recently, Linda was inducted into the 2015 Advertising Hall of Fame. Along with Robin Koval, she co-authored the national bestselling book Grit to Great: How Perseverance Passion and Pluck Take You From Ordinary to Extraordinary. On todays episode, Linda shares what it is that makes the most successful people great, why boredom is important, and the truth about happiness. Listen and learn more! You can play the podcast here, or download it for free on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher. If you enjoy the program, subscribe today to the Copeland Coaching Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher to ensure you don’t miss an episode! To learn more about Linda and her book, visit her website here.